Liquid fillers, in general, aren’t built the same way. Even though one type of filler has more advantages over another type, a machine’s efficiency should not be the only factor to consider when getting one. The cost of purchasing and operating these filling machines must be taken into account, as well as their design and construction. Filling Equipment Company, Inc. designs different types of filler liquid machines sold at reasonable prices to help meet different needs and demands.
We build in-line, straight line,rotary and piston-type liquid filling machines for handling from very small to high volume filling, manual to fully automated. All workmanship on our machines is guaranteed.
Semi-Automatic Straight Line Liquid Fillers
Simple but versatile, Filling Equipment’s semi-automatic straight line liquid fillers can get the job done for the smaller bottlers and manufacturers. It consists of an adjustable guide track at least 8 feet long, accommodating several nozzles (usually from four to 12) to fill multiple bottles in one pass. Semi-automatic function allows the user to assume direct control of the machine in case the need arrives.
If you’re looking for an efficient but low-cost filler machine, a semi-automatic filler can be a good start. It fits the needs of the smaller factories whose demand isn’t as heavy as the major ones.
Automatic Straight Line Liquid Fillers
The advent of automation introduced accuracy and speed of production with less intervention from humans. Our automatic straight line liquid fillers adopt the principles of automation with its easy-to-use controls. With the push of a button or two, the machine can proceed filling bottles at a preset value. By reducing the human factor to setting the controls, containers can be filled and capped more accurately and quickly.
his liquid filler is definitely a step up from its semi-automatic counterpart. Benefits include production efficiency using less manpower, hence, reduced cost of labor.
Automatic Rotary Liquid Fillers
Rotary liquid fillers are designed for manufacturers whose demand for their products exceed the output of the straight-line fillers. These machines have larger heads and a faster rate of production, allowing these to fill more containers per unit of time. Often, rotary fillers are part of a dual-modal or tri-modal production line where various bottling processes are integrated.
You often see this type of filling machine inside major bottling facilities due to their rate of production. The line of bottles preceding the filler is an endless stream, ensuring uninterrupted production.
Piston Fillers
Piston fillers, although slower than other fillers, are perfect for products with a thick consistency (e.g. peanut butter, cream cheese, pastes, etc.). The force applied by a powerful piston can displace enough of the product into the container.
Piston filling machines can either use a check valve for free-flowing fluids such as water or juice, or a rotary valve for the thick ones.

Contact us at 718-445-2111 or email us at today – we look forward to serving your filling machine needs.